Master the Art of Writing Fascinating Copy for Persuasion
Writing good copy is fine, but it isn’t nearly as great as writing persuasive copy.
I started my online journey as a copywriter on fiverr, selling my services for 5 dollars, and was ready to sell them for less if required.
There was something wrong with my perception but see at the time; I was still working a 9 to 5 and found it difficult to ask for anything more than 5 Dollars.
I was primarily afraid that people would say no if I asked for 50 dollars for the same service instead of just a mere 5 dollars.
So, I decided to play it safe and only to request 5 dollars for 1 Hour of my work. Looking back at it now, I realize my mistake was that I wasn’t persuasive enough.
To understand the above, refer to the below analogy :
1- A freelance copywriter sells 1500 words size articles for 5 dollars.
2- A freelance copywriter sells 500 words size blogs for 200 dollars.
The difference between both is not the skill but rather something else!
The first one trades his time for money and is happy to charge the lowest amount if that helps him get the deal.
The second copywriter persuades the customer that they are getting a prestigious service. Therefore, he gets paid much more than the first.
The only difference is that one is focused on just getting the person to say yes, and the next person is focused on making the customer believe in something big.
The person paying 200 dollars believes that they are getting a lot of value, even if it is not the case.
The second individual makes the customer believe they are getting the lowest quality service available, which is why they’re only getting 5 dollars.
My experience as a freelancer has taught me that charging 5 dollars doesn’t make the job easy! It only makes it more complicated because you only get more work to do, and in some cases, most of these low-paying customers are hard-headed and disrespectful.
I had had people that tormented me before they fulfilled a 5 dollar order on Fiverr, and all of that was because I sold myself for cheap.
The golden rule is to show confidence, and as Lord Varys said in Game of Thrones :
To teach you the value of copywriting and how to take it to the next level slowly, I have created a course that has the potential to demonstrate to you some great tips for becoming increasingly more influential and persuasive.
This course teaches you how to persuade people from total strangers into great copywriters.
You will take your copywriting level to the next level by learning some of the best techniques and strategies to write excellent content.
Copywriting helped me break free from my 9 to 5. Still, it was only after I realized that I had to take copywriting seriously.
Once I took copywriting seriously, it started to pay dividends, and I completely 10X d my sales in less than a month.
Procrastination is the enemy of success, and the truth is that many people like to report essential things for tomorrow or the next month.
The habit of procrastination only gets you unnecessary sleep and plenty of headaches.
All we have is the now, and that’s a perfect place to start. Because success is the result of multiple steps.
I was just like you, believing things were supposed to happen alone. But the reality is that dreams do not come true unless you force them to.
Click here to sign up for the course, and invest in your future success.
The reflection of success will take time to show in the mirror, but it eventually will once you make enough steps.
Nothing can beat hard work and dedication, so work harder than everybody else.
You will not become poorer by watching this course because, at the end of the day, it’s better than watching youtube pranks or TikTok shorts.
Take full responsibility for your life, and start making changes gradually. With enough consistency, you can turn a rock into sand.
Happy hustling
Passive income gen z